Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This is posted here just as I posted it on our Ranger website and other military sites and now I share my thoughts with you the American public.

I am sick of hearing about the media making so much out of a few civilians getting killed in war zones; about how our military is killing innocent people, no murdering them, it more how they put it. Well in war people get killed, the innocent along with the guilty, what ever and whoever the innocent are.

We know not to kill babies who are not carrying weapons or women who are simply walking along minding their own business, unless their business is to aid the enemy, that we are meant to kill, in some for or fashion.

Do our enemies care about the killing of innocents, theirs or ours, hell no they don't but does our media rant and rave about that? Hell no they don't. How about the innocent civilian workers who were killed recently in the Green Zone? What does our media say about that? Little, very little that's what! You might hear about it once or twice on the evening news but then it is over and you hear no more about it.

When you are engaged in a war everyone who is not in the same uniform as you is suspect and could be a danger so, hell yes, we watch them and if they appear to be doing, or going to do, something that might cost an American life then blow them the hell away! Is it better to wait and see if they kill one of our own before you act?

How many politicians, or members of the media, do you think would walk down the middle of and Iraqi street and not shoot if they felt, in anyway, their life was threatened? Not many, but, then, they may not shoot at all they may just simply attempt to talk them to death.

That is what they, especially the politicians, do to us, they talk us to death with bullshit and call it justifiable. They lie to us, they steal from us, they send us in harms way and then call us murders if we kill someone who happens to be an innocent, something, most often, discovered after the fact.

If on the other hand they kill us they say, "Oh we are so sorry we lost another American life in this war on terror." The terror I feel does not come from an enemy in Iraq, Afghanistan or any other foreign country but from the ones right here in our own back yard. The ones that I fear the most are now up for election for President of this country. They spend millions, may billions when you total it all up, and for what, so they can feed us more bullshit and tell us we should like it!?!

Why didn't the government put President Truman on trial for mass murder when he ordered the A Bomb dropped during WWII, did he not kill hundreds of thousands of "innocent" people, women, children and non combatants? Was that different than a soldier killing someone who they felt in their own mind was going to kill them? Murder is one thing but killing in a war out of fear of being killed is quite another. I can tell you and I know most of you know this to be fact that know me, in Nam if I thought anyone, and I mean anyone, was going to kill me or one of my team they were dead, plain and simple, end of story now let's move on to the next mission!

You can not send troops into harms way day in and day out, one tour after another and not expect those troops to live in constant fear, fear that will cause them to, sometimes, make mistakes and kill an innocent person. Hell, I am not in a war zone but I can tell you that if you approach my house in a threatening manner I will blow you to hell and back! Why you might ask? I will tell you why, simply because I don't know who to trust anymore! I don't trust our government as far as I can throw them, I don't trust the people around me as they are so bad off financially up here where there are no jobs that I don't know if they are coming to rob me or not. I don't trust the cops because I know that since I am a Vietnam vet they don't trust me not to be insane, on drugs or mentally defective. So what is one to do anymore?

I am to the point that I am coming to believe that all that I was taught as a child was nothing more than a lie. I use to have faith in our government, in our press, in what I was told on the evening news, yet, now I have learned that if I do I am a fool as it is not truth I am hearing but someones version of the truth, what ever that may actually turn out to be. Now even when I hear truth I am suspect of it as how do I "really" know that it is true.

Fox says that we have to look to many sources to determine what is true but which one of those sources is really truth and which are just smoke screens to cover up another lie? Do any of us really know any more? The only things that I know to be true anymore is that I love my family, this includes my war brothers, I love my country, rather I love what it use to stand for and what it is meant to stand for, and I love the fact that I am not to old to still shoot when I need to; that truth may not be truth for many more years. I ask you, what do you trust, I mean really trust anymore? Am I going totally insane? Am I the only one who feels this way? From talking to some of you on the phone and from reading emails from others of you, I think not. I think I am sane and that my fears are justified. I think some of you, if not most of you, have many of the same fears that I do.

I heard yesterday that Bush and the Canadian government made an agreement that if civil disturbances were to happen in either country that troops from either country could and would come to the aid of the other. If that is true then does that mean that if large protest were to occur in this country and we did not have enough troops (National Guard) to put it down, which, since most of our National Guard are in Iraqi or elsewhere, we would not, that we could have Canadian troops patrolling our streets? If that happened who would they call innocent and who would defend us against them? Would they be and remain friendly or would they take the opportunity to take us over seeing that we could not defend ourselves? Something to think about isn't it? Was what I heard truth, or lie? Does anyone know for sure? Is this something Bush would do? Who the hell knows anymore?!? Some say, "oh that could never happen" yet, does anyone remember that we were at war with Canada in past history, just like we were with what we know today as the free nations of the world, i.e. England, France, Germany, Japan etc.? Have we not witnessed, in our life time those we considered friends turn their backs on us? Have we not witnessed those who have sworn to stand with us turn and leave us standing pretty much alone?

We are being destroyed from within and there are those that are waiting for the opportunity to strike from without and from within. The want to take our guns, they are already taking our land, our homes, our individual security and freedoms. What is to stop them from taking it all? Not much! Yet, we are so consumed with who is murdering who in foreign lands, who is playing war fairly that we don't even see what is happening right in front of our faces. Is this not the intent of all this bullshit to begin with? Sleeper cells be damned the only ones asleep around here is the majority of the American people!

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